Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jewel Eats: Homemade Bean Burritos

Things I think about a lot:

My husband.

Eat-pray-love, right?  Sadly, I eat more than I pray. But I DO pray every time I eat though.  

I've written about the way I eat a few times on this blog (here and here).  I'm a member of the "everything in moderation" club and don't subscribe to the notion that giving up any one food group would improve my quality of life or my health.  If you have a chronic illness, chances are you've had to give up a few food groups at some point in time.  It's not really as fun, hip or cool as people make it out to be.  One of my food mottos:  Life is too short to not eat ice cream.  

My diet is simple: non-processed (85 percent of what I eat is made from scratch, not out of box or jar) and low-sodium.  If I'm following a recipe that calls for 1 teaspoon of salt in something, I usually cut that down by half.  Following a diet like this for the past six to seven years has made me really comfortable in the kitchen and increased my love for cooking and eating.  In my family, eating brings us together.

I talk a lot about how I eat, but I rarely show you what I actually eat.  Last night I made one of my favorite low-sodium, from scratch meals, from one of my cooking and homemaking idols, Martha Stewart.  

Burritos with Pinto Beans, Rice and Corn

I like making these because they are:
1.  Cheap.  You would probably buy this at Chipotle for $7.  I think all the ingredients cost $10 and I made way more than one burrito.

2.  Easy. The definition of a one-pan dish.  I cooked the entire filling in my beloved cast-iron.

3.  It's low sodium.  I added about a 1/4 teaspoon of salt to the onions that I cooked on low at the beginning of the meal.  The only other sodium is from the cheese, and whatever salt is left on the pinto beans after they are drained and rinsed.

4.  It tastes quadruple billion times better than the processed frozen kind that you buy at the store.  That said...

5.  You CAN freeze these!  This recipe can make up to 10 burritos. Ben and I are only two people. We love this meal, but we are NOT gonna eat 10 burritos in one sitting.  Or even two sittings.  Unless, there's money on the line.  But if not, I roll what's left up in plastic wrap and freeze them for future happy mealtimes.  

John Lennon was wrong.  Happiness is a warm [homemade] burrito.

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