Monday, March 31, 2014

Throwback Post-- Remember When I Had That Tube?

Top of the Monday to you.  

I am feeling nostalgic.  Y''s basically April.  You know what that means.  I've basically had my dad's kidney for a year.  I can't believe I haven't touched on all the things that happened last year in more "throwback posts."  It's actually really fun to go back 12 months from a certain point and read about what my life was life and especially what my mindset was like.  I guess that's a really cool thing about having a blog.  The internet never forgets.  [Side note: I feel like that's an awesome tagline for a movie about things that we posted on the internet in our past coming out of our computers to terrorize us.]

Fun Blog Fact: this time last year I was going under for an outpatient procedure to have my PD Catheter placed.  PD catheters allow you to participate in home dialysis, which is what I getting ready to do until--MIRACLE!-- God totally came through for me with a new kidney.  Before I let you read about it one more time, because memories are the best, here are three things you may not know about the surgery and/or my PD catheter:

1.  I was INSANELYE nervous about this surgery.  It was definitely depressing to think about having to start dialysis.  I get this feeling that some people view dialysis as an OK thing.  I don't know, I just get that feeling.  I could be wrong.  But I just feel like people think dialysis is a great alternative to kidney transplant.  Like, "Oh just do dialysis, right? That works, right?"  It's not an awesome alternative to having a transplant. It's time consuming and inconvenient and not the greatest way to live life.  But I digress...I was really nervous about my surgery because I hate going under. Yep! I was so freaked out by the anesthesia.  I was convinced that something would happen to me while I was under.  Most notably, I thought that I would wake up in the middle of the surgery and feel the knife cutting into my skin and I would not be able to move around or scream.  Yep....I know.  You don't have to tell me that I have issues.  Pray for me.

2.  Cats and stomach surgery don't go together, surprisingly.  While I was recovering at home, my cat, Burton, figured my healing would be the best possible time to use my newly sliced open stomach as a springboard for his daily acrobatics.  Cats really are evil  creatures.  Please pray for his salvation.

3.  The scar that I had from surgery is hardly visible now.  It's so funny but sometimes I forget I ever had that surgery.  The two scars I have from the surgery are finally starting to blend in with my natural skin color. I have no more pain in that area.  I have to remind myself sometimes that the whole tube era...actually happened to me! I was that girl with a plastic tube coming out of my stomach!  

Look how far we've come! Weeee! 

Anyways enjoy 10 Things, One Tube, again ....or for the first time if you're new here.  

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